Laser Lipo Specialist

Lori Scott Family Care
Lori C. Scott, MD
Addiction Medicine & Aesthetics located in Kinston, NC
If you’re frustrated by areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise, consider laser liposuction, or laser lipo for short, at Lori Scott Family Care. Lori Scott, MD, provides extensive aesthetic care to men and women in Kinston, North Carolina. One of the clinic’s signature services is laser lipo for the reduction of love handles, cellulite, and saddlebags. Call the office to schedule a consultation, or book online now.
Laser Lipo Q & A
What is laser lipo?
Laser lipo is an effective way to permanently reduce fat without having to spend hours and hours at the gym working out. It smartly uses wavelength energy and fiber optic laser heat to melt fat.
What areas of the body respond to laser lipo?
You can get fat accumulation in almost any area of the body. Some respond better than others to laser lipo. These key areas are ideal for treatment with laser lipo:
- Thighs
- Buttocks
- Hips
- Jowls
- Flanks
- Waist
- Upper arms
- Enlarged breasts
- Back
If your area of concern is not on the list, talk to Dr. Scott about your options. Laser lipo is versatile and can work for almost any area of the body.
How does laser lipo differ from traditional liposuction?
Traditional liposuction only vacuums away fat. Not only does laser liposuction dissolve fat, but it boosts collagen production which tightens, firms, and restores vitality to your skin.
Is laser lipo safe?
Absolutely. Dr. Scott and her team use TempSure’s laser liposuction machine, which is approved by the FDA as safe for use. The team safely perform hundreds of laser lipo treatments each year.
Also, since there’s no surgery involved, you won’t have to be put to sleep, and there are no incisions, so there’s no risk of infection or surgical side effects.
Does laser lipo hurt?
Not at all. Your laser lipo is performed by highly trained medical professionals who have years of experience helping men and women get rid of unwanted fat. Before starting laser lipo, Dr. Scott evaluates your skin and does a body analysis to ensure you are a good candidate for the procedure.
During your session, you’ll get local numbing creams to prevent any discomfort. Although the treatment is fairly painless and easy to tolerate, you may be sore and slightly bruised in the few days following the treatment.
How soon will I see results?
You’ll see some slight improvements in the first couple of weeks. Fat cells break down over the subsequent months, so you’ll see optimal results in about four to six months.
To see if laser lipo is right for you, call Lori Scott Family Care, or use the online scheduler to book now.