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Reduce the Appearance of Wrinkles With Tempsure Envi

Tempsure Envi

Do you look in the mirror and not recognize the person looking back at you? If you could tighten your skin, erase lines and wrinkles, and look like your 25-year-old self again without side effects or even the need to take time off of work, would you do it? And no, you wouldn’t have to sell your soul to make it happen.

Here at Lori Scott Family Care, we can help you regain your youthful look without surgery using TempSure™ Envi, our radiofrequency aesthetic tool that reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles and helps you look young again. And there’s one more thing: We can refresh your look over your lunch break.

The power of radiofrequency

Many areas of medicine have made major advances in recent years, including aesthetic medicine. Not too long ago, the only way to erase years from your look was to get a face-lift, Well, not anymore.

TempSure Envi can erase the lines without surgery or even downtime. The advanced aesthetic tool uses radiofrequency energy to improve your look in two ways:

Collagen is the protein that gives your skin its youthful strength and elasticity. Your production of collagen decreases as you get older, which leads to sagging skin and the folds that cause the lines and wrinkles.

TempSure Envi can fix many of your aging skin flaws, including:

And we can refresh your look in an hour or less without causing any damage to your skin (so no one will know) and little, if any, discomfort to you.

The benefits keep going

One of the reasons we love TempSure Envi so much is that the tightening effect of the radiofrequency energy gives you immediate gratification. You look refreshed right away.

But, that isn’t the best part. The improvements continue. It takes some time for your body to create new collagen, so your look continues to improve over the next month or so. With TempSure Envi, it’s as if the hands of time are going in reverse.

And as long as you take good care of your skin with regular use of sunblock and covering up when you’re going to be outside in the sun for an extended period of time, you should be able to maintain your new, fresh, young, dewy look for up to a year, or even longer.

More than just a line eraser

TempSure Envi is more than a wrinkle and fine line eraser. The skin tightening effects of the radiofrequency energy can be used on almost any body part. We can tighten the skin on your hands, the back of your knees, or your abdomen. TempSure Envi can also be used on your thighs to tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of unsightly cellulite.

Who says you can’t stop the aging clock or even put it in reverse? With TempSure Envi we can refresh your look and enhance your natural beauty in no time. Call Lori Scott Family Care today, or book online to learn more.

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