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Laser Lipo Vs. Traditional Liposuction

In 2019, traditional liposuction was one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the U.S. However, another form of fat reduction is on the rise. Laser liposuction, or laser lipo for short, is a noninvasive form of lipolysis (fat breakdown) that can help you obtain the physique of your dreams and give you new confidence.

Ultimately, getting the best results from either procedure depends on finding a qualified provider who can appropriately consult with you and determine how liposuction and laser lipo will help you meet your goals. You can trust your provider to be proficient and have a history of success at Lori Scott Family Care. 

If you’re interested in laser lipo or liposuction, it helps to study up on both procedures before consulting with a doctor — in this article, you can learn the basics about liposuction versus laser lipo, and how to find out if you’re a good candidate for either. 

How does liposuction work? 

Traditional liposuction is essentially a fat vacuum for your body. Through small incisions at the treatment sites, your surgeon suctions body fat from beneath your skin, reducing your overall body fat composition and slimming your figure. 

Traditional liposuction is often reserved for people who have a large amount of excess body fat and haven’t been able to successfully lose that weight with primary methods, such as diet and exercise. 

How does laser lipo work?

This probably sounds way too good to be true, but laser liposuction (AKA laser lipolysis) quite literally melts body fat away. During a laser lipo procedure, Dr. Scott uses the TempSure® laser to target fat cells in specific areas of your body, such as your lower back or inner thighs. 

The TempSure laser heats up your fat cells from the inside out, which kills them (fat cells don’t like heat), and over time, your body rids itself of these dead fat cells as waste. Fat cells don’t regenerate once they die, so once they’re gone, they’re gone for good (but you can develop new fat cells later if you gain weight). 

You’ll start to see results from laser lipo within a few weeks — it takes a while for your body to get rid of the destroyed fat cells. The bonus, however, is that laser lipo also stimulates collagen production, which helps rejuvenate skin. So as you see your body fat begin to melt away, you’ll also see your skin start to tighten and brighten. 

Laser lipo vs. traditional lipo: Which is right for you?

Now that you know the difference between laser lipo and traditional liposuction, let’s evaluate your scenario and goals to find out which one is best for you. 

You might be a good candidate for laser liposuction if: 

Traditional liposuction may be a better fit for you if: 

To learn more about liposuction and find out if you’re a candidate for laser lipo or traditional lipo, visit Lori Scott Family Care. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Scott by calling our Kinston, North Carolina, office at 252-238-7079. You can also book online today.

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