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How to Know If You Have an Alcohol Dependence

How to Know If You Have an Alcohol Dependence

Alcohol dependence is a problem that affects many people. Alcoholism has the power to affect every aspect of your life, including your work and your relationships.

Enjoying a drink here and there isn't a problem unless you can't control the urge to have alcohol. It’s essential to know the signs so you can get help as early as possible.

Dr. Lori Scott and her team at Lori Scott Family Care offer compassionate support and effective treatment when you're suffering from alcohol dependence. At her office in Kinston, North Carolina, Dr. Scott provides expert care and various resources to help you cope with an alcohol problem.

What is alcohol dependence?

If you have a beer with your friends on the weekend or a glass of wine with dinner, you probably don't have an alcohol addiction. However, if you struggle to get through the day without a drink, you may have an alcohol addiction or alcohol dependence.

When you have alcohol dependence, it turns your world upside down. Alcohol dependence causes you to drink to satisfy a craving in your brain. You may drink every day or go on benders for days on end.

One problem with alcohol dependence is that you continue to drink, even when it causes an issue in your relationships and life. And you usually have to continue drinking more to get the desired effect and suffer from withdrawal symptoms if you attempt to stop suddenly.

Signs of an alcohol problem

Alcohol dependence ranges in severity but can escalate quickly, even in mild cases. The earlier you recognize your symptoms, the more quickly and effectively Dr. Scott can treat you.

There are multiple signs of an alcohol use disorder, some of which include:

You may also have an alcohol dependence problem if you experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop drinking. Withdrawal symptoms include sweating, shaking, and nausea or vomiting.

The need to drink more alcohol to get the desired effect is a hallmark sign of an alcohol abuse disorder. If you don't have access to alcohol, you can become angry, distressed, or belligerent.

When to seek help

If you think you may have an alcohol dependence problem, it's essential to seek help as soon as you can. Untreated alcohol abuse can lead to significant health problems, including:

Your best chance of avoiding severe problems is by getting help from Dr. Scott early on. She offers counseling and follows the protocols of the Sinclair Method to help you stop drinking.

With the Sinclair Method, Dr. Scott prescribes Naltrexone, which you take an hour before drinking. Naltrexone blocks the high that alcohol gives you in your brain. Over time, Naltrexone helps you stop drinking by blocking any pleasure you get from drinking alcohol.

Dr. Scott offers this life-saving treatment because it's safe, effective, and doesn't require you to enter a rehab facility. Dr. Scott and the team provide this treatment to help you regain your life from alcohol dependence. The incredible advantage of this treatment is that you can check in with Dr. Scott via telehealth or video visits.

Break your dependence on alcohol

If you're worried about an alcohol dependence problem, we can help. Call our office at 252-238-7079 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Scott, or book an appointment online.

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