Help! My BMI Says I’m Overweight

Body image haunts many people, especially those who are overweight or obese. But extra weight affects more than your self-esteem. Your body mass index (BMI) is the number that expresses your body fat related to your height, and doctors use it to help predict specific health issues down the road.
Do you struggle with your weight and fall in the overweight category of the BMI scale? Years of unsuccessful dieting may leave you feeling as though there's no hope of ever reaching your goals and improving your health outlook — but that's not true.
Dr. Lori Scott and her team provide customized weight loss plans to people in and around Kinston, North Carolina. Dr. Scott is a family medicine doctor and an aesthetics specialist who can help you achieve your desired body.
What does BMI mean?
The body mass index is a scale just about every medical provider recognizes that presents a picture of the amount of fat in your body relative to your height.
You figure out your BMI by taking your weight in pounds and dividing it by your height in inches. This gives you a number that puts you into one of four BMI categories:
- Underweight: Less than 18.5
- Normal: 18.5-24.9
- Overweight: 25-29.9
- Obese: Above 30
BMI is a primary tool doctors use to determine health risks associated with excess body fat and weight, but it can sometimes be inaccurate. For example, the BMI calculation doesn't consider muscle mass, which makes the number higher in muscular people and athletes.
Most practitioners use the BMI scale, blood tests, physical exams, and a detailed history to determine if your BMI is genuinely detrimental to your overall health.
Am I overweight?
While the BMI scale does have a few flaws, it's still a good indicator of your overall health. If your height and weight put you into the overweight or obese category, it's time to look at your lifestyle and diet.
Being overweight isn't only about body image; it can also indicate potential health issues down the road. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to suffer from chronic health problems later in life.
Long-term complications of obesity
Dr. Scott uses the BMI tool to get an overall understanding of the makeup of your body and helps you understand how excess fat in the body affects your overall health. Possible health complications come with carrying too much weight, such as:
- Diabetes
- Cardiac disease
- Sleep apnea
- Arthritis
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
Some cancers are also related to increased body fat and a high BMI. Although BMI isn't the only indicator of health, it's a starting point that allows you to understand the risk of chronic health issues as you age.
Losing weight for a healthier body
If you're overweight or obese, the best way to get in control of your health is to take the initiative to lose weight for good. Although it's not easy, weight loss is the best way to improve your BMI and lower the risks to your health.
At your initial appointment, Dr. Scott evaluates your lifestyle habits, weight, and diet to determine where to start with a weight loss plan. She can create personalized meal plans and customized fitness routines.
She also offers vitamin B12 injections to increase energy, which aids in weight loss. She can prescribe appetite suppressants when you're having trouble reducing cravings and portions.
The HCG diet regimen is another tool Dr. Scott can use to help overweight patients lose weight quickly and efficiently. You get weekly HCG injections to help you feel full while following a strict, low-calorie diet. It’s a dramatic step, but it works, thanks to Dr. Scott’s medical supervision — and support.
Combining exercise, a healthy diet, weekly weigh-ins, and personalized coaching, you can effectively reach your weight loss goals and lower your BMI for good. And Dr. Scott is here to help.
To schedule an appointment at Lori Scott Family Care to discuss your weight loss options, call our office today at 252-238-7079 or request a consultation online.
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