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Did You Know? Being Overweight Can Lead to These Illnesses

Many people focus on the aesthetic effects associated with being overweight, putting themselves or others down because they don’t “look like they should.” Today, people are beginning to understand the damaging nature of body shaming and other actions meant to make people feel bad about being overweight. However, a number of illnesses and health problems are specifically associated with obesity, and it’s important to be aware of these if you or someone you love is overweight. 

Dr. Lori Scott and the rest of our team here in Kinston, North Carolina, want to help you become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself. We’re available Monday through Wednesday; make an appointment today.

Reasons for being overweight

Being overweight has been misunderstood for many years. People may think it’s something to be laughed at or feared; in truth, you can become overweight for a number of reasons. Perhaps you’re struggling with a health condition that caused the weight gain, or maybe you don’t have the kind of diet or exercise plan that best suits your body type. You may be overweight simply because of genetics.

This is why you shouldn’t fear talking to Dr. Scott about your weight. People carry too much weight for many reasons, but all of them should be properly understood and, if possible, treated.

Being overweight can lead to these illnesses

It’s true that there are a number of health issues, both mental and physical, that can lead to being overweight. Conversely, there are many health conditions that being overweight can cause. These include:

Of course, not everyone who’s overweight has the above conditions, and other problems can arise from weight gain. Where your excess weight is located, why you’re overweight, how quickly you gained the weight you’re carrying, and how your family history affects you can all inform the issues caused by your weight gain.

Minimizing the risks associated with being overweight

Simply put, losing weight can help you minimize your risk of developing any of these conditions. However, you may have experienced problems losing weight in the past, maybe because you tried a fad diet or you didn’t fully understand the issues associated with your weight gain. 

Dr. Scott can help you learn more about the safest, most effective ways to lose weight and minimize your risk of obesity-related illnesses.

Make an appointment to see Dr. Scott today

Dr. Scott is happy to discuss your weight with you as well as the conditions that may or may not be associated with your obesity and how you can start to lose weight and get healthier. Call us at 252-238-7079 or book your appointment online

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