3 Tips to Care for Your Skin After You Have a Tattoo Removed

Laser tattoo removal is a safe, effective option when you've outgrown your tattoo choice or need to remove it for your job. It offers the best results for specific colors and sizes of tattoos, but the after-care is critical to your success, too.
Caring for your skin after a laser tattoo removal session ensures that you avoid infection and that the area heals correctly.
Laser tattoo removal is just one of the many procedures available at Lori Scott Family Care in Kinston, North Carolina. Dr. Lori Scott is an aesthetics specialist who walks patients through every step of the process for optimal results after tattoo removal.
What to expect during laser tattoo removal
Tattoo inks become a permanent part of your skin – the ink particles that go into the skin are too big for the body to break down and eliminate. Sometimes, however, a tattoo simply isn't meant to stay forever, which is why we offer laser tattoo removal.
Several types of tattoo removal exist, but the PicoSure® laser is Dr. Scott’s choice because it’s one of the most advanced tattoo removal lasers available. It breaks up the ink particles so your body gradually eliminates them through the lymphatic system.
Laser tattoo removal appointments take from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the tattoo. If you’re worried about pain, Dr. Scott provides topical anesthetic cream to numb the area and increase comfort.
The PicoSure laser is noninvasive, and it directly targets the ink in the skin. You may feel a slight stinging sensation or the feeling of a rubber band snapping on the skin, which is normal. After your session, Dr. Scott cleans the skin and provides you with after-care instructions to promote proper healing.
How long does my skin take to heal?
The recovery time for laser tattoo removal varies from person to person. It depends on the tattoo's size, skin care afterward, and how well your immune system functions.
For most people, skin healing takes 4-8 weeks. It happens in various stages, with the worst of the redness and swelling subsiding within a week or so of the procedure. Scabs often form over the treated tattoo, showing that the body is working hard to eliminate the inflammation and remove the ink particles.
If the area stays dry and clean, you can return to most of your normal activities within a few weeks of the laser treatment. At eight weeks, your skin should be fully healed, and you can come in for repeat sessions as needed.
Three essential skin care tips for optimal results
It’s important to follow Dr. Scott’s after-care tips to ensure that your body eliminates the tattoo and you avoid skin complications. Using ice, wrapped in a towel, after the procedure helps eliminate inflammation, but there are a few other essential instructions to keep in mind.
1. Keep the area clean
The area Dr. Scott treats can take up to eight weeks to heal fully, meaning you need to keep it clean and dry to avoid infection. Dr. Scott recommends cleansing the area daily with a fragrance-free antibacterial soap and gently but thoroughly patting it dry.
She may also recommend using a moisturizer that helps keep the skin from drying out and causing discomfort. She can recommend specific types or brands that hold moisture in the skin.
2. Stay out of direct sunlight
It's vital to keep the area protected from the sun to avoid sunburns, which delay the healing process. If you allow the treated skin to receive too many UV rays, your results may be different from what you’d hoped. Keep the treatment site covered when you’re outside or apply sunscreen.
3. Avoid picking at scabs
You absolutely don't want to pick at scabs while your skin heals. Not only does doing so introduce bacteria into the open skin, but it may also leave scars or prevent your body from fully removing the tattoo ink.
Allow the scabs to fall off naturally as your body heals the area. Avoid scratching or rubbing the area. Keep it moisturized to avoid dry and itching skin; you may want to keep it loosely covered to reduce the temptation to scratch.
Contact Lori Scott Family Care today to schedule a laser tattoo removal consultation. You can call during office hours or request an appointment through our website anytime.
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